About the company
Our motto: The best quality - at the best price!
The mission: protection of life, health and property of people, to make people's daily lives more comfortable and safer.
Our core values, based on which we live, do business and achieve the objectives are:
- Respect for people
- Emphasis on customers
- Efficiency and effectiveness
- Quality of work and products
- Safety
- Teamwork
- Development
We strive to give our employees the opportunity to realize their creative potential. We appreciate each of our employees, his knowledge, experience and time.
Our factory was awarded numerous top awards and diplomas of international and regional exhibitions.
The plant was created “from scratch”, with our own means and means of ordinary people – professionals in their field, as the only enterprise in Russia specializing in the design and manufacture of reliable, efficient and high-quality gas weapons and various means of self-defense in aerosol package. In fact – national enterprise was established. The idea of creation was simple – to establish in Russia the production of unique products of truly the highest quality, so that to be able to feel proud of the results of our own labor.
The first in Russia mastered the production of “pepper sprays” with the active substance OC (oleoresin capsicum) – extract from natural hot chili pepper, under the brand “Control”. Characterized by high effectiveness at neutralizing law offenders and aggressive animals and frost resistance of down to – 40 ° C. We were the first in Russia to have established spraying heads on “pepper sprays” with check dams and with different types of spraying: jet, jet-aerosol and aerosol.
Later our main activity included: professional repellents- means of protection against ixodidae mites, mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects, gun oil, cars and household chemicals, products for hunting and fishing, oxygen cans for breathing and preparation of oxygen cocktails.
The labor collective of our factory has previously worked at the joint Russian-American venture JV “Aerosol” CJSC, which since 1994 the first in Russia started production of self-defense means in aerosol package “Control-M” (TU 9362-001-34832092-94) supplied to special forces of internal affairs bodies.
In 2001 JV “Aerosol” CJSC went apart. The labor collective decided to continue the production of self-defense means on their own. Thus, in 2004 our company was established “Tyumen aerosols” LLC.

Since April of 2005 production of gas weapon of self-defense in aerosol package (so-called “pepper sprays”) “Control-UM” was renewed, which, together with aerosol pistols “PA-2” (No analogues in Russia so far) is supplied to law enforcement agencies of the Interior Ministry of Russia and CIS countries, FSUE “Russian Post”, security structures of FEC companies, private security companies, to hunting shops throughout Russia – from St. Petersburg to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Also supplied to the CIS countries.
Since September 2005, began production “Taiga” gun oil in aerosol package. The formulation of oil is developed based on the oil of brand “RZh” supplied for the needs of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Since 2007 gun oil “Taiga” is also produced with the addition of nanoparticles increasing wear resistance and accuracy of the weapon. Does not have Russian analogues yet. Since 2014 packaging design has been completely upgraded and frost resistance of the oil has been improved from -35 C to – 50 ° C
Since December 2005, contract filling of aerosol cans with oxygen for oxygen cocktails within “Supergeyzer” PL for “Lebedyansky” OJSC began, and in 2013 began serial production of “AIR-ACTIVE” oxygen cans of own development having no analogues (oxygen with argon, xenon and other noble inert gases). In 2015, a group of scientists proved the ability of the noble gases to cause regeneration of human body cells. This opens way for the treatment of many diseases, rapid healing of wounds and injuries, longevity.
Since July 2006, production within the PL of professional means of protection from mites and blood-sucking mosquitoes started: “DATA-PROF” and “Breeze-anti-mite.”
Formulation was developed by experts of the SRI of disinfectology of the MoH of RF using Soviet experience in creating protective equipment for troops of special purpose. At the “Gemma” international exhibition our repellents received the highest award. In 2016 design of repellents was completely updated.
Since August 2006, preparation began for the production of penetrating lubricant for professional use in more than 40 activities. Since 2014, within the framework of import substitution, lubricant “LK-1” is produced with the addition of nanoparticles. It differs from the imported analogue by improved resistance to frost (down to -50 C) and wear resistance of the treated surfaces and beautiful and original design.
Among the new trends in activities of the enterprise is planned release of car care products, household chemicals, polyurethane (installation) foam, unique products for hunting and fishing, as well as for law enforcement agencies and FEC companies.

In October of 2007, our products were included in the official register of “100 best goods of the Urals Federal District.”
In December of 2007, completed was an innovative development and according to the license agreement with the SEandC of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs began production of aerosol sprays: “Control” -M (10% OS) and “Control” -MK (10% OS with dye substance) – for state military organizations , including agencies of the Russian Interior Ministry.
From 14 to 18 May of 2008, within the framework of the first exhibition project of national importance – the international salon “Integrated Safety”, which took place in Moscow at the Exhibition Center, was attended by 372 Russian enterprises from 66 regions of Russia.
Among the 24 laureates of the competition “Tyumen aerosols” LLC (Tyumen city) became the winner of the contest “National Security” and was awarded the prestigious medal “Quality and safety assurance”, as well as the Diploma of the exhibition, signed by the Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations Shoigu S.K.
In 2009, a new production site was built to increase the production capacity of the plant and area of the warehouse.
In 2012 on recommendations and appeals of professional hunters and fishermen began serial production of products having no analogues in the Russian market: an odor neutralizer “Hunter”, which neutralizes odors of the person, weapons, clothes and ammunition, as well as lubricants “SMS-9” for reduction of friction and protection against icing of fishing gear and ammunition.
In 2013, plant production areas were significantly (almost twice) increased in order to meet the demand for wholesale deliveries to retail chains and for contract production of aerosol products under PL (private label) and a unique fully automatic production line for manufacturing of aerosol products with diameter from 35 to 65 mm was additionally installed, capable of performing filling with various, including combined, propellant.
In 2014 the plant started to develop air fresheners and flavors for premises under the PL “AIR – WAY”. The difference of which is the use of natural essential oils and oxygen as a propellant, instead of propane-butane mixtures, i.e. such an air freshener really refreshes by increasing the oxygen content of the air in premises. So far has no analogues.
Also in 2014 began production of means of human protection against large aggressive animals (bears, wolves and etc.) under the TM “Control-AS”. These are the first in the Russian market such means of protection. The news about this latest product of the Russian production has been featured on the main TV channels and media around the world.

In 2015, started production of the first in Russia food-compatible lubricant SMS-5 for the lubrication of food processing equipment, as well as for domestic use (coffee machines, breadmakers and other machines and tools in contact with food).
Also in 2015, in the framework of import substitution, started production of natural geothermal mineral water “Givana” in aerosol package. It contains a unique natural composition having no analogues in the world.
In September 2015 our factory was the only one from the Tyumen region invited to the First All-Russian exhibition “Import substitution” in Moscow. Also, a report was prepared for the plenary session at the exhibition, where the governors of Russian regions also spoke. The exhibition was attended by top officials of the state.
Also in 2015, the plant was awarded a medal for “Innovation and Development”.
Each year, the products of our factory are invited to participate in the federal competition “100 best goods of Russia”, as well as to in international competitions and exhibitions. Is awarded diplomas and gold medals.